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NDIS Registered Provider
Business Description

Specialist Disability Accommodation

The mission of NDISP is to ensure SDA tenants are provided with the freedom to choose from a range of high quality, highly desirable properties.

We believe that having a home that is both functional and appealing is a fundamental key to long term mental health, general happiness and participation in the community.

All people with disability and complex care needs should have the opportunity to live in high quality, highly desirable housing that enables them to live as independently as possible.

To this end NDISP aims to create, sell and manage accessible housing that exceeds the expectations of the tenants in design, livability and location.

NDISP is an SDA registered provider and licensed Real Estate Agency. We work with people who are person centred and all about choice and control for participants.

Units at Earlville, Gordonvale and Smithfield.

Contact Darryl Richards d.richards@ndisp.com.au Phone 07 4243 3500
Or Veronica Potter -  rm.qld.cns@ndisp.com.au .

Business Website Address


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