A whitelisted Minecraft server for children (and adults) that have autism and their families.
The server is administrated by adults that include autistics, parents of autistic children or a family member of someone with autism. Visit Website Whether you want information on visuals, sensory rooms, how to make a weighted lap bag, there are thousands of creative ideas to be discovered, the list is endless. Examples to search on Pinterest – sensory play, autism activities, sensory room, autism resources, sensory table ideas, home school ideas, social stories, pretend play, autism visuals just to name a few.
Sparklebox – 1000s of FREE teaching resources, just browse, download and print.
My Name – printable Create your own personalised worksheet to help your children learn to write their name.
 Paging Fun Mums Replacing Insanity with FUN! Channel your inner crafter, photographer, cook, artist, decorator and designer and join us on the journey to being the funniest Mummy you can be!
Happy Hooligans – Easy, inexpensive, crafts and activities for kids, as well as parenting topics and recipes for parents, teachers and carers.
 3 Dinosaurs is a web site with free printables, trip reviews, and book activities for tots, preschoolers, kindergarten, first grade & second grade.
The OT Toolbox Are you a parent looking for ways to help your child with handwriting? A teacher struggling to teach kids with attention or sensory processing issues? An Occupational Therapist looking for creative treatment tools and strategies? Visit the site for hands-on activities to help kids develop and grow the skills needed for independence, healthy social-emotional growth, and attentive learning.
Occupational Therapy Learning Activities Tracey’s website was to inspire parents to help their children develop the skills they need for formal schooling. So many “foundations” need to be in place before children are ready to read and write, and the activities on my website can help get those foundation skills in place.
Most of the activities are easy to do at home and most of them don’t use fancy equipment or resources.

Ian Bean – SEN ICT Training and Consultancy  Ian uses assistive technology to support learners of all ages with severe and complex additional needs.
He has an amazing resource page with over 500 free accessible activities to run on your computer. Activities have been carefully designed to help your students develop and build access skills using switches, touch-screens or pointing devices such as joysticks or eye gaze. You can now get all his activities mailed to you on a USB
One Page Profile Useful templates as a ‘snapshot’ profile of a person.
Great to hand out to your class teacher in the new year, or even therapist or support worker to write down on your monthly goals on what you want to achieve.
Lots to choose from and are in word format templates.
 Cairns Minecraft – A place for Minecrafters from Far North Queensland to get together, create, share and compete.
Cairns Minecraft was developed to stimulate ideas and discussion with young people about urban design; architecture; public art and space. Currently has over 600 members on the server whitelist.
The Measured Mom is an education website which supports teachers and parents with thoughtful articles and free printables.
 School Mum is a website full of tips, tricks, advice and fun for School Mums by School Mums.
Load of resources and information on parenting, school help, health, holidays, challenges, activities and competitions. Facebook page is very active.
KidsLearningStation Resources for parents, teachers and anyone who works with children. They have got thousands of fun kids activities like kids crafts, worksheets, colouring pages, printable mazes, dot to dot, hidden pictures and more.
Kids Printables coloring pages, games, puzzles and more learning tools for kids to print and do along with pre made printables to enjoy such as thank you notes, printable awards, bingo cards, birthday invitations and much more.
 And Next Comes L – Autism, sensory, and hyperlexia resources for parents and educators. So many great resources for Autism and 100’s of activities for kids.
If there is one website to look up for special needs, this one is it!
A resource and community supporting parents of kids with learning and attention issues through personalised resources, tools and expert access. 
Their goal is to help the millions of parents whose children, ages 3–20, are struggling with learning and attention issues. Very informative website, great free information, tools and resources!
The Little Black Duck Autism Communication Services Supporting people with autism through social programs, social skill development, program and app development, education, training and the development of a wide range of visual supports that both help the person with autism and educate the community about autism from the autistic perspective.
