Education and the NDIS
The school education system is responsible for supports where the main purpose is to help you learn, study and achieve education outcomes.
This includes:
- adjusting teaching methods
- providing learning assistance and aids
- modifying the school building
- providing transport between school activities, such as to excursions and sporting carnivals.

What is the NDIS responsible for?
We’re responsible for supports for everyday activities that you need because of the functional impact of your disability, and aren’t related to learning. This includes:
- personal care and support at school – learn more in our guideline for work and study supports
- transport to and from school – learn more in our guideline for work and study supports
- specialist support you need to transition to higher education, training or work because of your disability.
Remember, if we’re responsible for funding the support, it must also meet all the other NDIS funding criteria before we can include it in your plan. Read more at the NDIS website