If you are on the AAC journey there are some wonderful facebook groups out there that will help, support and share resources.
Spectronics Australia is also a great starting point to look at AAC products.
For a Personalised PODD Book and other services/products see http://aacbookbuilders.com.au/productpage
Life Tec – Cairns, Michelle Swinburn
Face to face, mobile or telehealth
Email for a referral form or ring 1300 LIFETEC
Specialises in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Business Phone : 1300 543 383
Fantastic visual resources here - can be purchased under NDIS consumables.
"We create customised visual resources for educators and parents, to assist people with Autism and additional needs."
- Calendars
- Fridge magnets
- Chores schedules
- Interactive books
- Let’s chat books
- PECS communication flashcards
- Personalised books
- Schedules and planners
- and more...https://cleverklogs.com.au https://www.facebook.com/CleverKlogs.Communication
AssistiveWare’s Family members AAC community
Members have the opportunity to chat with the AssistiveWare developers and support team. A group by Proloquo2Go.
Educational App Talk
Educational App Talk - a place for teachers, parents, students and therapists to come together to better tomorrow's education, today.
AAC Language Lab
This group is for those supporting people using AAC. Ask questions, post ideas and discussions for all to comment on. facebook.com/groups/AACLanguageLab
AAC Through Motivate, Model, Move Out of The Way
The goal of this group is to share how to use motivating activities and interactions, modeling and fading supports to increase independence to support AAC users in becoming competent communicators. This group is for everyone regardless of where they are in their AAC journey and what robust communication system is being used.
iTeach Special Education- iDevices in Special Education
This group is an active support network for those using iOS devices and apps in special education. We welcome any special education/general education/inclusion teachers, program specialists, administrators, service providers (SLP/OT/PT), AT consultants/specialists, ABA therapists, parents, students, as well as app developers!
Augmentative Communication Resources & Help
Have questions, information regarding Augmentative Communication, the devices etc? Welcome to our group! We have many wonderful people in our group to help you find some answers, information and more! Our group consists of parents, teachers, therapists and more.
Speech Therapy Ideas
A group for SLPs to share speech therapy ideas with each other.