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Mindfulness With Horses
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Business Address

Business Description

Lara is an experienced equine therapist, psychotherapist & social worker and is registered with the Australian Social Work Association member.

Equine therapy, also known as equine-assisted therapy, is a form of physical, occupational, and psychological therapy that uses horses as a tool for healing. Horses are sensitive and intuitive animals, and when a person interacts with them, they can provide comfort, support, and understanding. Equine therapy helps people who are dealing with physical and mental health issues, such as trauma, depression, and anxiety, as well as developmental and learning disabilities.

Equine therapy can be beneficial in a variety of ways. For example, it can help people develop trust, build confidence, and learn how to manage their emotions. It can also help individuals learn how to set boundaries and effectively communicate their needs. Additionally, equine therapy can help people build interpersonal skills, develop problem-solving skills, and gain insight into their behaviour.

Lara has worked in the community sector for over 20 years, working with diverse client groups, from disability, drug and alcohol and homeless and young people.

Lara Baker (Social Worker)  - BA Psych, Dip YW, TAE, EAL practitioner, Masters SW

Business Phone Number
0424 326 758